The beliefs and perceptions about children fundamentally influence our daily interactions with every child we interact with. At Colorado Kids Academy, we carry within our minds and in our hearts that children are competent, capable, and rich in potential. We use this as a lens with which we view and interact with children. It is based on our beliefs and perceptions of a child’s abilities, development, motivation, purpose, and agency. Our image of the child has evolved from our own life experiences, our culture, philosophy, and understanding of child development.
With a strong understanding of our own image of children, we are able to be intentional in our work with the children in our program. We use this lens when setting up the environment and choosing the materials to enrich it, when interacting with the children, when planning, and when setting limits with the children. We believe that children are able to guide their own learning when they are in an environment that encourages independence and creativity. We believe that each child has their own reality. They come to school with their own ideas, theories, experiences, and emotions, and it is our job to encourage and respect this reality in every interaction we have with them. We believe it is our job to plan meaningful experiences that challenges the children, provides the opportunity for repetition, and promotes the development of the whole child. We also believe that by allowing children to take reasonable risks, we are showing the children that we believe in them and that we trust them to listen to their instincts and judgement.
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